The Philippine National Police (PNP) here recently established its own tourist police to ensure the security of tourists and protect tourism sites in the city.
According to PNP City Director PC/Insp. Charlie Cabradilla, the said local tourist police will work at important tourist spots in the city especially at the city boulevard.
The unit will discharge their duties round the clock to check crimes and guide the tourists, said Cabradilla.
Earlier, the Surigao City Tourist Police Outpost located at the City Boulevard was successfully inaugurated on December 22, 2010 as a gift of Surigaonon Rural Banking Corporation (SRBC) through its Chairman Alfredo T. Bonpin to the Surigao City PNP and to all the Surigaonons.
City Mayor Ernesto Matugas, on the other hand, donated five bicycles to the city PNP.
It may be recalled that a similar police unit was recently created at General Luna, Siargao Island, an island facing the Pacific known for its world class surfing waves and hosting or serving as site of international surfing competitions. (PIA-Surigao del Norte)
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while i have no say nor control as to how often you change your format and blog-style (like how you change underwear) the previous one was more straightforward, easy to navigate, make references to, on comments and other prior postings..hoping in the next few weeks it won't change again or you slowly lose patronage and loyal following (readers), thank you...even my referenced name won't appear no more as "Hemantayon", but a bunch of numbers @#%$*
Hi, sorry for that. The previous style was difficult to navigate. Hopefully, this is going to be my last blog-style update (for this year). May econfigure nalang siguro pero gamay nalang gyud. Please bear with me guys.
this is better..
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